Distribution Center
WOLF Anlagen-Technik
GmbH & Co. KG
Münchener Str. 54
D-85290 Geisenfeld
- +49 8452 99-351
- +49 8452 99-350
- info.la@wolf-geisenfeld.de
Distribution Center
This is where all threads come together.
Your team in our distribution center
In division Spraying and Drying Booths, we are coordinating the whole distribution centrally.
If you plan to purchase a WOLF booth, we kindly offer you our support. We are always at your disposal for a professional consultation on site. Our sales representatives will give you advice and help you in project planning.
Viktor Richtsfeld
Member of Management
Sales Manager
- +49 8452 99-113
- +49 8452 99-350
- viktor.richtsfeld@wolf-geisenfeld.de
Annemarie Dorfner
Secretary Sales Management
- +49 8452 99-351
- +49 8452 99-350
- annemarie.dorfner@wolf-geisenfeld.de
Distribution Germany
Our sales representatives will give you advice and help you in project planning. We are at your site.
Kindly contact our distribution center.
Klaus Uwe Ehinger
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Benedikt Gallmeier
Staatl. gepr. Maschinenbautechniker
André Lohmann
Stefan Wrede
Marco Zemann
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Distribution International
Here you can find our worldwide sales partners and get a competent contact at your site.
WOLF Anlagen-Technik GmbH & Co. KG
Münchener Str. 54
85290 Geisenfeld
Benedikt Gallmeier
- +49 8452 99-368
- +49 8452 99-350
- benedikt.gallmeier@wolf-geisenfeld.de
UAB Silda
Skuodo g. 2B
45204 Kaunas, LITHUANIA
Simonas Kucinskas
- +370 37 341948
- +370 37 342532
- simas@silda.lt
- www.silda.lt
WOLF Anlagen-Technik GmbH & Co. KG
Münchener Str. 54
85290 Geisenfeld
- +49 8452 99-351
- +49 8452 99-350
- annemarie.dorfner@wolf-geisenfeld.de
Czech Republic
SERVIND s.r.o.
Ke Kopanine 488
252 67 Tuchomerice, CZECH REPUBLIC
Tomáš Cafourek
- +420 220 400 410
- +420 724 877 588
- tcafourek@servind.com
- www.servind.com
Autopaint OÜ
Mustjõe 45
10617 Tallinn, ESTONIA
Igor Karlson
- +372 6 518 925
- +372 6 518 920
- igor@autopaint.ee
- www.autopaint.ee
UAB Silda
Skuodo g. 2B
45204 Kaunas, LITHUANIA
Simonas Kucinskas
- +370 37 341948
- +370 37 342532
- simas@silda.lt
- www.silda.lt
SZON-Tech Kft.
1136 Budapest, Hegedűs Gyula u. 22, HUNGARY
Németh András
- +36 30 340 10 29
Opra László
- +36 70 428 13 74
Szabó Tamás
- +36 30 934 92 62
UAB Silda
Skuodo g. 2B
45204 Kaunas, LITHUANIA
Simonas Kucinskas
- +370 37 341948
- +370 37 342532
- simas@silda.lt
- www.silda.lt
UAB Silda
Skuodo g. 2B
45204 Kaunas, LITHUANIA
Simonas Kucinskas
- +370 37 341948
- +370 37 342532
- simas@silda.lt
- www.silda.lt
BESTOR Trading Corp.
No.12 Chung-Yang Lane, Kuang-Fu Village,
Shetou Hsiang, Chang-Hua Hsien,
Taiwan R.O.C.
- +886 4 8726697
- +886 4 8725209
- bestor.steven@msa.hinet.net
Ul. Vyborgskaya, d. 16, str. 1
125212 Moscow, RUSSIA
Mikhail Belavin
- +7 985 7692773
- belavin@amos-msk.ru
- www.amos-msk.ru
SERVIND s.r.o.
Ke Kopanine 488
252 67 Tuchomerice, CZECH REPUBLIC
Tomáš Cafourek
- +420 220 400 410
- +420 724 877 588
- tcafourek@servind.com
- www.servind.com
Bakirci Otomotiv
Baklaci Mahallesi
Cumhuriyet Caddesi
No: 119 PK. 34830
Cavusbasi - Beykoz
Istanbul, TURKEY
Cihat Bakirci
- +90 216 444 71 02
- +90 212 34642 09
- cihat.bakirci@bakirci.com.tr
- www.bakirci.com.tr